288 резултати в рамките на място Оксфорд

288 върнати резултати

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Град в Англия

Public Library Pencho Slaveykov, Varna

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Greece & Britain (period.); Oxford Strumpet (period.)

Contemporary Social History Archives

Evans , Arthur J.

National Research Foundation Eleftherios K. Venizelos

Cox, Leonard (150.? -157.?). Author of the text

National Library of France

Erasme (1469-1536). Author of the text

National Library of France

Erasme (1469-1536). Author of the text

National Library of France

Koelhoff, Johann. Author of the text

National Library of France

Major, Georg (1502-1574). Author of the text

National Library of France

Mancinelli, Antonio (1451-1505). Author of the text

National Library of France

Salguis, Raimundus de. Author of the text

National Library of France

Pius II (1405-1464; Pope). Author of the text

National Library of France

Contemporary Social History Archives

Freies Deutsches Hochstift / Frankfurter Goethe-Museum