31 277 резултати в рамките на Тема Почерк

31 277 върнати резултати

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Set of features that characterize a person's handwriting

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Elisa Haeussler-Humbert (1847-); Marie Humbert-Droz-Müller (1819 - 1888-)

National Library of the Netherlands

National Library of the Netherlands

National Library of the Netherlands

National Library of the Netherlands

I. Stubenrauch

National Library of the Netherlands

Albertus Radijs (1789-1871)

National Library of the Netherlands

National Library of the Netherlands

Willem Thorbecke

National Library of the Netherlands

Josephine E. Butler (1828-1906)

National Library of the Netherlands

Jan Anthonij Snijders

National Library of the Netherlands

Willem Johannes Zip

National Library of the Netherlands

J.J. Cremer (1827-1880)

National Library of the Netherlands

Anna Eleonora Bocquet (1791-1866)

National Library of the Netherlands

Jan Carel Thierry de Bye (1818-1846)

National Library of the Netherlands

Johannes Fredericus van Reede van Oudtshoorn (1779-1850)

National Library of the Netherlands