Evaluation Report on 2 - 6 Hardwick's Way, Wandsworth, London, SW18.
In November and December SAS carried out an evaluation in respect of a planning application to demolish the present building and replace them with flats. Four trenches were excavated and revealed modern concrete and various 18th to 19th century fill deposits, over the natural sand and gravel. Cut into the natural in trench 1 was the remains of a 19th century pit. In trenches 2, 3 and 4 the na…
- J Perry
- Jonathan Perry
- Archaeology Data Service
- Clay Pipes
- Pottery
- Comercial
доставчик на данни
Права за ползване на медиите в този обект (освен ако не е посочено друго)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
- Post Medieval
- Post Medieval
- Post Medieval
- 2 - 6 Hardwick¿s Way, Wandsworth, London, SW18. WANDSWORTH GREATER LONDON WANDSWORTH England
- OASIS Id: suttonar1-5548
- ADSlibrary/1098864
- English
Предоставяне на държава
- United Kingdom
Име на колекцията
Публикуван за първи път в Europeana
- 2020-08-28T01:57:51.943Z
Последно актуализиран от предоставящата институция
- 2022-07-25T11:21:26.369Z