A Brazilian guy with an Irish heart
I'm originally from Brazil, from Goiás. I moved to Ireland in 2003.
My family are kind of immigrants too - my father's family are from Portugal, my mother's family from Italy.
I had this dream to know the world. I thought originally about moving to America. But 9/11 happened the week I was supposed to get the visa. While I was queueing one time in that visa office, I had heard about Ireland. My …
- Washington
- Coming out
- Immigration to Ireland
- Brazilian community in Ireland
- Heirlooms
- Emigration from Brazil
- …
- Family
- Ireland
- Brazil
- Gender minorities
- Миграция (хора)
- Washington
- Coming out
- Immigration to Ireland
- Brazilian community in Ireland
- Heirlooms
- Emigration from Brazil
- …
- Family
- Ireland
- Brazil
- Gender minorities
- Миграция (хора)
доставчик на данни
Права за ползване на медиите в този обект (освен ако не е посочено друго)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- 053
- http://contribute.europeana.eu/contributions/ab99b0a0-85cc-0136-420b-6eee0af43bfd
- en
- eng
е част от
- New Irish Communities, EPIC Irish Emigration Museum, 2018-08-18–2018-08-19
Предоставяне на държава
- Europe
Име на колекцията
Публикуван за първи път в Europeana
- 2019-07-25T07:45:39.080Z
Последно актуализиран от предоставящата институция
- 2021-11-03T11:22:04.772Z