60 výsledků v rámci Osoba Christian Scrivers

Počet vrácených výsledků: 60

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Christian Scrivers

German hymnwriter

Johann Gottfried Krügner

Germanisches National Museum

Homann, Johann Baptista (Production) (Stecher)

Germanisches National Museum

Homann, Johann Baptista (Production) (Stecher)

Germanisches National Museum

Homann, Johann Baptista (Production) (Stecher)

Berlin State Library

Johann Andreas Pfeffel

Berlin State Library

Unknown Artist (Production)

Berlin State Library

Unknown Artist (Production)

Berlin State Library

Jeremias Kilian

Berlin State Library

Leipzig University Library

Jiří Třanovský

National Library of the Czech Republic

Jiří Třanovský

National Library of the Czech Republic

Christian Romsten

Germanisches National Museum

Friedlein, Johann (Production), 1685-1706 (Stecher)

Germanisches National Museum

Germanisches National Museum

Germanisches National Museum

Germanisches National Museum