výsledků v rámci
Marquard Freher
Marquard Freher
German historian, diplomat and writer
Marquard Freher
Heidelberg University Library
Johannes Trithemius
National Library of the Czech Republic
Andreas Ratisbonensis
National Library of the Czech Republic
Peter von Andlau; Lupoldus de Bebenburg; Girolamo Balbi; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Germanisches National Museum
Herzog August Library
Heidelberg University Library
Heidelberg University Library
Charles Du Fresne Du Cange
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Marquard Freher
Ghent University Library
Complutense University of Madrid
Marquard Freher
Ghent University Library
Marquard Freher
Heidelberg University Library
KB, National Library of the Netherlands
Johann Adam Bernhard
National Library of the Czech Republic
Germanisches National Museum
Germanisches National Museum
Thülemeyer, Heinrich Günther von (Production) (author)
Germanisches National Museum
Germanisches National Museum
Herzog August Library
Herzog August Library