17 výsledků v rámci Osoba Antonius Ferdinandus Philiatrus

Počet vrácených výsledků: 17

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Antonius Ferdinandus Philiatrus

German physician and author

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Plinius Mladší,; Iohannes Georgius Fridericus Franzius

National Library of the Czech Republic

George Christoph Schmidt

Germanisches National Museum

George Christoph Schmidt

Leipzig University Library

George Christoph Schmidt

Berlin State Library

Goulin, Jean

Austrian National Library