výsledků v rámci
Martin Opitz
Martin Opitz
Německý básník období baroka
Leipzig University Library
Heidelberg University Library
Johann Schilter; Notker; Willeramus Eberspergensis
National Library of the Czech Republic
Martin Opitz
National Library of the Czech Republic
Martin Opitz; Hugo de Groot
National Library of the Czech Republic
Paul Fürst; Walch, Georg (Production), 1632-1654 (attributed) (Stecher)
Germanisches National Museum
Germanisches National Museum
Germanisches National Museum
Berlin State Library
Opitz, Martin; Solomon, Israel, king
Kiel University Library
Herzog August Library
Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen
Gotha Research Library
National Library of the Czech Republic
Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg arcibiskup v Mohuči; Johann Goeorg I. kníže z Hohenzollern-Hechingenu; Kristian II. saský kurfiřt; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
Martin Opitz; Hugo de Groot
National Library of the Czech Republic
Dionysius Cato
National Library of the Czech Republic