58 výsledků v rámci Osoba Martin Opitz

Počet vrácených výsledků: 58

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Martin Opitz

Německý básník období baroka

Leipzig University Library

Heidelberg University Library

Johann Schilter; Notker; Willeramus Eberspergensis

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz; Hugo de Groot

National Library of the Czech Republic

John Barclay

National Library of the Czech Republic

John Barclay

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz

National Library of the Czech Republic

Paul Fürst; Walch, Georg (Production), 1632-1654 (attributed) (Stecher)

Germanisches National Museum

Germanisches National Museum

Germanisches National Museum

Berlin State Library

Opitz, Martin; Solomon, Israel, king

Kiel University Library

Martinus Opitius

Ghent University Library

Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen

Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg arcibiskup v Mohuči; Johann Goeorg I. kníže z Hohenzollern-Hechingenu; Kristian II. saský kurfiřt; …

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz; Hugo de Groot

National Library of the Czech Republic

Martin Opitz

National Library of the Czech Republic

John Barclay

National Library of the Czech Republic