výsledků v rámci
Město ve Španělsku
Europeana Foundation
Europeana Foundation
Longueil, Christophe de (1488-1522). Author of the text
National Library of France
James I (1208-1276; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
James I (1208-1276; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Peter IV (1319-1387; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Peter IV (1319-1387; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Ferdinand I (1380-1416; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Alfonso V (1396-1458; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Alfonso V (1396-1458; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Alfonso V (1396-1458; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Alfonso V (1396-1458; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Alfonso V (1396-1458; king of Aragon). Currency issuing authority
National Library of France
Gregorio Leti
National Library of the Czech Republic
Gregorio Leti
National Library of the Czech Republic
Gregorio Leti
National Library of the Czech Republic
Mateo de Moya
National Library of the Czech Republic
Pedro Antonio Béuter
National Library of the Czech Republic
Bartolomé Bravo
National Library of the Czech Republic
Antonio Martínez de Meneses
National Library of the Czech Republic
Catalunya Film Archive
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts