výsledků v rámci
Moderní umělecký směr
Irina Liuba HORVAT; Denisa Monica Săveanu-Cărăian
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Tudor Vianu
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Technau, Sergé
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Koning, J.P. de
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Heins, IJ.Th.
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Constantin Ciopraga; Constantin Ciopraga (1916-2009)
Costache Sturza Library
Vasile Crăiță-Mândră; Vasile Crăiță Mândră (1945-)
Costache Sturza Library