2 472 výsledků v rámci Téma Knižní vazba

Počet vrácených výsledků: 2 472

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Knižní vazba

Úprava knižního bloku spočívají v jeho umístění do desek

Finnish Heritage Agency

Delemarre, G.Th.

Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands

Bernard ter Haar (1806-1880); Hermanus Johannes Gijsbertus Furstner (1832-1919); Hendrik Tollens (1780-1856)

National Library of the Netherlands

F.W. Jagow

National Library of the Netherlands

Conrad Dressel

National Library of the Netherlands

Elisabeth Pauline Quarles van Ufford (1827-1865)

National Library of the Netherlands

J. Brugman

National Library of the Netherlands

Florentine, Jacobine, Martine Rethaan Macaré-Ontijd

National Library of the Netherlands

Elizabeth Adriana Staats (1823-1896)

National Library of the Netherlands

G.T. van der Capellen (1734-1805)

National Library of the Netherlands

Marie Thorbecke

National Library of the Netherlands

H.J.C.F. Solger-Von der Groeben (1790-1867)

National Library of the Netherlands

Derk Pas

National Library of the Netherlands

National Library of the Netherlands

N. N.

National Library of the Netherlands

N. N.

National Library of the Netherlands

J.H. Krelage (1824-1901)

National Library of the Netherlands

Mathilde J.v.D. Steege

National Library of the Netherlands

J.J.Colson Aberson (1737-1801)

National Library of the Netherlands

Jacques Rocquette (1744-1809)

National Library of the Netherlands

Frans van Oosten Slingeland

National Library of the Netherlands

Felsecker, (...) (Verleger); Küssner, A.W. (Stecher)

Herzog August Library