Composite manuscript, six parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-155) Abstractum Innocentii / Baldus de Ubaldis, and other text(s). – 2. (ff. 156-228) Summa dictorum Archidiaconi super decreto / Baldus de Ubaldis. – And other part(s)
Abstractum Innocentii
Repetitio Perpendimus
De interdicto
De censuris
Summa dictorum Archidiaconi super decreto
De testibus
Rubricae decretalium
De bello
Part 1: handwritten, littera cursiva
- Dursteyn, Everard
- Maletis, Albericus de
- John of Legnano
- Baldus de Ubaldis
- Francesco Zabarella
- John of Legnano
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Type af genstand
- manuscripts (documents)
- Håndskrift
- Part 1: Paper
- Part 2: Paper
- Part 3: Paper
- Part 4: Paper
- Part 5: Paper
- Part 6: Paper
- paper (fiber product)
- Papir
- Dursteyn, Everard
- Maletis, Albericus de
- John of Legnano
- Baldus de Ubaldis
- Francesco Zabarella
- John of Legnano
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Type af genstand
- manuscripts (documents)
- Håndskrift
- Part 1: Paper
- Part 2: Paper
- Part 3: Paper
- Part 4: Paper
- Part 5: Paper
- Part 6: Paper
- paper (fiber product)
- Papir
Mellemliggende udbyder
Rettigheder for medierne i denne optagelse (medmindre andet er angivet)
- Part 1: 1469
- Part 2: [third quarter 15th century]
- Part 3: [ca. 1470]
- Parts 4 and 5: [mid 15th century]
- Part 6: [ca. 1440-1460]
- 1430-1500
- 15. århundrede
- 1430/1500
- 1469
- 15. århundrede
- Part 1: German regions
- Part 2: German regions
- Part 3: German regions
- Parts 4 and 5: German regions
- Part 6: German regions
- Germany
- Tyskland
Nuværende placering
- Leiden University Library
- Bought from B.N. Rosenthal (New York) in 1964. Donated by the Leiden University Fund (LUF).
- Shelfmark: BPL 2716
- 1 volume, 365 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-155
- Part 2: ff. 156-228
- Part 3: ff. 229-238
- Part 4: ff. 239-280
- Part 5: ff. 281-292
- Part 6: ff. 293-365
- Part 1: 289x215 mm
- Part 2: 290x215 mm
- Part 3: 289x212 mm
- …
- books
- Bog
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Er en del af
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
Er refereret til
- BNM = Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta
- Gumbert 1988 = J.P. Gumbert, Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas. Vol. 2: Les manuscrits d'origine néerlandaise, XIVe-XVIe siècles (Leiden 1988) nr. 929
- Gumbert 1988 = J.P. Gumbert, Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas. Vol. 2: Les manuscrits d'origine néerlandaise, XIVe-XVIe siècles (Leiden 1988), nr. 929
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 2070-2075
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Obbema 1985 = P.F.J. Obbema, 'Juridica. Toelichting bij een tentoonstelling'. In: Handelingen IXe Nederlands Belgisch Rechtshistorisch Congres. Leiden 1985, p. 81-98.
- Rosenthal 1964 = B.M. Rosenthal, Catalogue 15: Manuscripts 12th century - 1600. New York 1964, nr. 1
- Van Wijnbergen & 1988 = C. van Wijnbergen & H. Zapp, Verzeichnis kanonistischer Handschriften in den Niederlanden. Würzburg 1988, p. 111-12
Leverende land
- Netherlands
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Første gang offentliggjort på Europeana
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Sidste gang opdateret fra den ejerinstiution
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
- Part 1 contains: (ff. 1r-51v) Abstractum Innocentii / Baldus de Ubaldis. – (ff. 51v-78v) Repetitio "Perpendimus" / Franciscus Zabarella. – (ff. 79r-87r) Tables from "De interdicto" / Johannes de Lignano. – (ff. 88r-155r) Treatise "De censuris" / Johannes de Lignano.
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 156r-224v) Summa dictorum Archidiaconi super decreto / Baldus de Ubaldis.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 229r-238v) Papal bulls, dating from 1432, 1468 and 1469.
- Part 4 contains: (ff. 239r-280r) De testibus / Albericus de Maletis.
- Part 5 contains: (ff. 281r-292r) List of rubrics from Decretales and a book on civil law.
- Part 6 contains: (ff. 293r-365r) De bello / Johannes de Lignano.