20 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person Willem Doudijns

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Willem Doudijns

Dutch painter (1630–1697)

Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven


Document Repository of the University of Valladolid


Austrian National Library


Complutense University of Madrid

Florus Lugdunensis. Author of the text; AMBROSIUS MEDIOLANENSIS. Author of the text

National Library of France

Michelangelo, Buonarroti

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen

Diomedes; Focas, El Gramático; Prisciano Cesariense; …

Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca


Library of the Cherubini Conservatory of Music


Ghent University Library