Ergebnisse innerhalb von
Johannes von Wales
Johannes von Wales
Walisischer Theologe des Franziskanerordens
Johannes, Guallensis
Frankfurt University Library
Ioannes Gallensis (around 1225-around 1303); Guillaume de Saint-Thierry (1085-around 1148); Paulus Diaconus (about 720-about 799); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Library of the Wroclaw University
Johannes Gallensis.
Complutense University of Madrid
Johannes Gallensis
National Library of Spain
Johannes, Guallensis; Aristoteles; Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Philosophus
University Library Freiburg
Johannes Gallensis; ola2002158738
National Library of the Czech Republic
Johannes Gallensis.
Complutense University of Madrid