Ergebnisse innerhalb von
Hildebert von Lavardin
Hildebert von Lavardin
Autor des lateinischen Mittelalters
Leiden University Libraries
Hildebertus Cenomanensis (partim?; Hildebertus Cenomanensis
National Library of the Czech Republic
Henricus de Frimaria; Johannes Cassianus; David de Augusta; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Isidorus Hispalensis
Ghent University Library
Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604); Pseudo-Bernardus Claraevallensis; Hildebert (Archbishop of Tours; 1056? -1133); …
Library of the Wroclaw University
Schier, Xystus
University Library Freiburg
Isidorus, Hispalensis; Hildebertus, Lavardinensis
University Library Freiburg
Prosper Aquitanus; Pseudo-Prosper Aquitanus; Coelius Sedulius; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Hildebertus Cenomanensis
Ghent University Library
Lavardin’s Hildeberto
Complutense University of Madrid
Gosbertus, of Laon; Mico Centulensis, (9e E)
Leiden University Libraries
University Library Freiburg
Hildebert de Lavardin; jn20000700859
National Library of the Czech Republic
Petrus Lombardus (magna ex parte); Petrus Lombardus; Hildebertus Cenomanensis
National Library of the Czech Republic
Library of the Wroclaw University
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Lavardin’s Hildeberto
Complutense University of Madrid