Ergebnisse innerhalb von
Félicien David
Félicien David
Französischer Komponist der Romantik
Herzog August Library
National Library of Spain
Odeon Record; Hempel, Frieda; Vries, Hendrik Wybrand de
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Disque Odeon; Landouzy, Lise
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Arral, Blanche
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Columbia; Barrientos, María
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
The Gramophone Name nach Vorlage: The Gramophone Company, Limited, and Sister Companies; Gramophone Monarch Record; Calvé, Emma
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Pathé Frères Phonograph Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Kalivoda, Jan Křtitel Václav
Baden State Library
National Library of Spain
State Archives of Baden-Württemberg
Calvé, Emma
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Galli-Curci, Amelita
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Concert Record; Kurz, Selma
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Fonotipia; Pinkert, Regina
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Galli-Curci, Amelita
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Deutsche Grammophon; Hempel, Frieda
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Deutsche Grammophon; Hempel, Frieda
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Deutsche Grammophon; Ivogün, Maria
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Victrola Record
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
National Library of Spain