Ergebnisse innerhalb von
Jean Baptiste Mathey
Jean Baptiste Mathey
Französischer Maler und Architekt des Barock
Barrère, Pierre, approximately 1690-1755
Smithsonian Libraries
Canevalle, Jakob Anton (Herstellung), 1660-1731 (Baumeister); Kitzinger, Felix (der Jüngere) (Bearbeitung), 1697-1743 (Bildhauer)
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid
Mathey, Jean-Baptiste
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Lehmann-Brockhaus, Otto; Jean-Baptiste Mathey
Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek
Complutense University of Madrid
Jacques-Joseph Duguet
Complutense University of Madrid
Jacques Joseph. Duguet
Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid
Mathey, Jean-Baptiste
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Canevalle, Marco Antonio (Herstellung), 1652-1711 (Baumeister)
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Mathey, Jean-Baptiste
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Wirch, Johann Joseph (Bearbeitung) (Architekt)
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Jacques Joseph. Duguet
Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid