Ergebnisse innerhalb von
Chronologische Aufzeichnung von Begebenheiten und Ereignissen geordnet nach Kalenderjahren
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Haf, L. (Formschneider); Meil, (...) (Zeichner)
Herzog August Library
Johannes, a Sancto Felice
University Library Freiburg
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
Bavarian State Library
Nitzsch, Karl Wilhelm
Bavarian State Library
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland
National and University Library of Iceland