32 results within Person Thomas Linacre

32 results returned

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Thomas Linacre

English humanist scholar and physician (c.1460–1524)

jn19981002044; Proklos; Georg Tannstetter Collimitius

National Library of the Czech Republic

Gaspar, López Canario; id100

Complutense University of Madrid

Berlin State Library

Proclus, Diadochus

University Library Freiburg

jn19990002533; Galénos

National Library of the Czech Republic

Aldo Manuzio; Thomas Linacre

National Library of the Czech Republic

Berlin State Library


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Claudius Galenus

Ghent University Library

Johannes. Actuarius

Complutense University of Madrid


Complutense University of Madrid

Plútarchos; Thomas Linacre; Isidorus Pelusiota; …

National Library of the Czech Republic

Galénos; jn19990002533

National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic

Claudius Galenus

Ghent University Library