546 results within Place Seville

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Municipality of Andalusia, Spain

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Hispania Epigraphica Online

Rojas, Fernando de (1465? -1541). Author of the text

National Library of France

Erasme (1469-1536). Author of the text

National Library of France

Mexía, Pero (1497-1551). Author of the text

National Library of France

Sans Prats, Narcís

Girona City Council

Girona City Council

ola2002153698; Gregory I., Pope

National Library of the Czech Republic

jn20011024179; Pedro Mexía

National Library of the Czech Republic