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Scientific study of the way the human mind works and how it influences behaviour, or the influence of a particular person's character on their behaviour
Damiron, Ph., (-) -- Συγγραφέας
Veria Central Public Library
Damiron, Ph., (-) -- Συγγραφέας
Veria Central Public Library
National and University Library of Slovenia
National and University Library of Slovenia
Alexandru BOBOC
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Public Library Pencho Slaveykov, Varna
Public Library Pencho Slaveykov, Varna
Kretschmar, Berta
Innsbruck: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol
Vasile M. Bourceanu; Vasile M. Bourceanu, [autor]
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
prof. dr. Rene Duda; René Duda (medic) (1935-1999) [redactor/compiler]
Costache Sturza Library
de Grigore Tăbăcaru; Grigore Tabacaru, (pedagog, om de cultură, scriitor) (1883-1939)
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
dr. E. Claparède; Ion I. Onu, (profesor, inspector școlar) (1868-?) [traducător]; Édouard Claparède, (neurolog, pedagog) (1873-1940)
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
Dr. Gh. Preda; Gheorghe Preda, (medic)
Octavian Goga Cluj County Library
Traian Gheorghiu; Traian Gheorghiu ((1906-1982))
Mihai Eminescu University Library