7,753 results within Topic Chapel

7,753 results returned

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Small place, building or room of Christian fellowship or worship, may be attached or not to a larger institution or part of a building


Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency

OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Reinhold Hausen

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Selim Björses

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Selim Björses

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Selim Björses

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

University of Graz

University of Graz

University of Graz

University of Graz

University of Graz

University of Graz

University of Graz

Sipilä, Tuula; Kuvaussakki

Helsinki City Museum

Pulkka, Aili & Niilo; Havas, Heikki

Museum of Finnish Architecture

Sipari, Osmo; Havas, Heikki

Museum of Finnish Architecture

Kivinen, Olli; Havas, Heikki

Museum of Finnish Architecture