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Mass for the dead
Mass for the dead
Mass celebrated for the repose of the soul or souls of one or more deceased persons.
Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company
Komjáthy Gábor (1853-1932) (református lelkész,községi jegyző)
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre
Parlophon; Dobrindt, Otto
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Victor Talking Machine Company; Whitehill, Clarence
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Aragüés, Juan Antonio de, ca. 1710-1793
Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca
Deutsche Welle
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Turzan, Augustin; Küffel von Küffelstein, Johann Nepomuk
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Bavarian State Library
Messner, Joseph
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Parlophon; Dobrindt, Otto
Saxon State and University Library Dresden