1,791 results within Topic Fable

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Short fictional story that often anthropomorphises non-humans to illustrate a moral lesson

Mallery, Karel van, (1571-approximately 1635), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

Mallery, Karel van, (1571-approximately 1635), (printmaker)

Leiden University Libraries

Gheorghe Asachi, (poet, prozator, dramaturg) (1788-1869) [autor]; Dimitrie Țichindeal, (preot, cărturar, fabulist, traducător) (1775-1818); Gheorghie Tâutu, (1823-1885) [autor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

de Gh. Asachi, I. Eliade Rădulescu, C. Bălăcescu și A. Donici; Constantin Bălăcescu, [autor]; Ion Eliade Rădulescu, (1802-1872) [autor]; …

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company


Library of the Wroclaw University

Heidelberg University Library

Antoaneta Olteanu

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Victor Eftimiu; Victor Eftimiu, (1889-1972)

National Library of Romania

Gheorghe Lazăr, (1779-1823)

National Library of Romania

[Narayan Pandit]; Narayan Pandit

National Library of Romania

Dionisie M. Popescu

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Alexandru Truda; Barbu Lăzăreanu, (1881-1957)

National Library of Romania


Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Ion Luca Caragiale, (1852-1912)

National Library of Romania

Grigore Alexandrescu; Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885); Ion Pillat, (1891-1945) [editor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library


Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

trad. de Alexandru Graur

National Library of Romania

Gr. Alexandrescu; Grigore Alexandrescu, (poet și fabulist român) (1810-1885)

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Jean de La Fontaine; Jéan de La Fontaine, (1621-1695); Virgil Solis, (1514-1562) [ilustrator]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

[Narayan Pandit]; Narayan Pandit

National Library of Romania

întocmite de D. Țichindeal; Ion Heliade-Rădulescu, (scriitor, filolog, om politic) (1802-1872) [prefațator]; Dimitrie Țichindeal, (preot, cărturar, fabulist, traducător) (1775-1818) [autor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Grigore Alexandrescu

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Eugen Pop; Eugen Pop, (profesor, epigramist, poet) (1945-2015)

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library