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Beneš, Edvard
(1884-1948), polityk czeski, prezydent Czechosłowacji (1935-1938). Do pasa, lekko w l., z założonymi rękoma, tło neutralne. Karta pocztowa (13,5x8,5) w oprawie dawnej Biblioteki Miejskiej (38,5x21,0). W dolnej części napisy z neg., po l.: E. Beneš, po p. znak firmowy w owalu: 1. DRTIKOL – PRAGUE / BROMOGRAFIA / PODĔBRADY. Na odwrocie naduk: Dr. ED. BENEŠ / prvni ministr zahraničnich záležitostlí, …
This item is provided and maintained by Library of the Wroclaw University
View on the providing institution's website
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- Drtikol, František (1883-1961). Fot.
- photography
- Czech photography
- postcard publishers
- studio portrait
- portrait
- men
- clothing
- hairstyle
- bromide print
- postcard
- …
- Photography genre
- Portrait
- Studio portrait
- Postcard
- Hairstyle
Type of item
- 1925.12.31
- 1918 - 1925
- #timeSpanOf:nhd20wf_1
- #timeSpanOf:nhd20wf_2
- 1918/1925
- 1925-12-31
- Drtikol, František (1883-1961). Fot.
- photography
- Czech photography
- postcard publishers
- studio portrait
- portrait
- men
- clothing
- hairstyle
- bromide print
- postcard
- …
- Photography genre
- Portrait
- Studio portrait
- Postcard
- Hairstyle
Type of item
- 1925.12.31
- 1918 - 1925
- #timeSpanOf:nhd20wf_1
- #timeSpanOf:nhd20wf_2
- 1918/1925
- 1925-12-31
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Publicly available without restrictions
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en
Current location
- BUWr Oddział Zbiorów Graficznych
- Inw. fot. 3802
- #nhd20wf
- deu
- eng
- ces
- ces
- eng
- deu
Is part of
- Zbiór portretów dawnej Biblioteki Miejskiej we Wrocławiu
Providing country
- Poland
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2021-11-23T13:45:08.899Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2022-05-19T07:48:08.031Z