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A boy is reading a Suomen Kuvalehti magazine
sisällön kuvaus: Viisivuotias Esko Luoma lukee Suomen Kuvalehtiä Pihlajaveden Heinämäessä 1930.
This item is provided and maintained by Finnish Heritage Agency
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- magazines
- children (age groups)
- sons
- mothers
- reading
- magazines, children, boys, mothers, pile of magazines, reading
Type of item
- periodicals
- newspaper and magazine
- children
- parent and child
- image
- photograph
- Photograph
- magazines
- children (age groups)
- sons
- mothers
- reading
- magazines, children, boys, mothers, pile of magazines, reading
Type of item
- periodicals
- newspaper and magazine
- children
- parent and child
- image
- photograph
- Photograph
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Creation date
- valmistusaika 1930, valmistusaika 1930-luku , julkaisuaika 01.11.1930, julkaisuaika 1930
- JOKAOT4SK1930_44:1
- #4ce864c9-caab-4b87-96b9-161bf7f699d4
- 103,0 x 72,0 mm
Is part of
- JOKA Journalistinen kuva-arkisto
- Otava
Providing country
- Finland
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2020-12-08T13:05:04.452Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-12-02T09:17:56.189Z