Fragment (Latin, English): Medical recipes
Medical recipes
Praecepta medica
handwritten, insular script
- artes (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Type of item
- manuscripts (documents)
- Manuscript
- parchment (animal material)
- Parchment
- artes (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Type of item
- manuscripts (documents)
- Manuscript
- parchment (animal material)
- Parchment
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
Creation date
- [turn of 8th/9th centuries]
- 0775-0825
- 8th century
- 9th century
- 0775/0825
- 8th century
- 9th century
- France, Brittany?
- France
- France
Current location
- Leiden University Library
- Part of the library of Isaac Vossius, which was bought from his heirs in 1690. – Removed from VLF 96 in 1908.
- Vossius, Isaac, (1618-1689)
- Shelfmark: VLF 96A
- 2 leaves
- c.182x140/145 mm
- fragments (object portions)
- Fragment
- lat
- Latin
- eng
- English
- eng
- lat
Is part of
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Vossius, I.(1618-1689)
Is referenced by
- Bischoff 2004 = B. Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts. Vol. 2 (Wiesbaden 2004), nr. 2208
- Bremmer & 2006 = R.H. Bremmer & K. Dekker (eds.), Anglo-Saxon manuscripts in microfiche facsimile. Vol. 13. Manuscripts in the Low Countries (Tempe 2006), p. 85-87
- Brett 1989 = C. Brett, 'Breton Latin literature as evidence for literature in the vernacular, AD 800-1300'. In: Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989), p. 1-25.
- Broudic 2001 = F. Broudic, Parlons du Breton! Rennes 2001, p. 154
- Castel 1985 = Y.-P. Castel & al., Landévennec : aux origines de la Bretagne, xve centenaire de la fondation de l’abbaye de Landévennec. []. Quimper 1985, p. 70 (nr. 85)
- De Meyier 1973 = K.A. de Meyier, Codices Vossiani Latini. Vol. 1. Codices in folio (Leiden 1973), p. 215
- Élégoët 1999 = L. Élégoët, Bretagne: une histoire. Rennes 1999, p. 52
- Falileyev & 2005 = A. Falileyev & M.E. Owen, The Leiden Leechbook. A study of earliest Neo-Brittonic medical compilation. Innsbruck 2005.
- Fischer 2015 = K.D. Fischer, 'Gesund durchs Jahr mit Dr. Hippokrates – Monat für Monat!' In: B. Holmes & K.D.Fischer (eds.), The Frontiers of Ancient Science. Essays in Honor of Heinrich von Staden. Berlin [etc.] 2015, p. 111-137, i.c. p. 135
- Koch 2006 = J.T. Koch (ed.), Celtic culture. A historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara 2006, p. 1141-1142 (s.v. Leiden Leechbook)
- …
Has Met
- Isaac Vossius
Providing country
- Netherlands
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z