Cărămidă ștampilată. Ștampila este realizată printr-un cartuș simplu dreptunghiular (L = 105 mm; l = 55 mm). Ștampila conține textul LEG XIII G ANNEI SAT URNINI Litera S este invers, ultimul rând se termină cu o hedera. Ștampila se întregește Legio XIII Gemina Annei Saturnini, prost imprimată.
This item is provided and maintained by National Museum of Romanian History
View on the providing institution's website
(opens in new window)
- tegularium, materiale de construcții, armata romană;
Type of item
- brick (clay material)
- Brick
- Sec. II - III p. Chr.
- Epoca romană
- Roman (ancient Italian culture or period)
- Ancient Rome
- clay
- Clay
- tegularium, materiale de construcții, armata romană;
Type of item
- brick (clay material)
- Brick
- Sec. II - III p. Chr.
- Epoca romană
- Roman (ancient Italian culture or period)
- Ancient Rome
- clay
- Clay
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Current location
- Muzeul Național de Istorie a României - BUCUREȘTI
- 95916
- Culturalia#080143d5-5d7d-4707-b8d9-bd817836194d
- 190 mm
- 205 mm
- 60 mm
Is part of
- Tegularium
Is related to
- Romană
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-06-02T11:57:48.899Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-06-02T11:57:48.899Z
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National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History