Eventail plié
L'amour couronné
Eventail plié, composé de 13 brins et 2 panaches. Feuille en peau peinte à la gouache et doré, monture en écaille découpée, repercée et dorée, rivure métallique orné d'un strass.
Type of item
- Object Type: weddingclothes
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: fan
- weddingclothes
- women's clothing
- fan
- Women's clothing
- Wedding clothing
- Womenswear
- Hand fan
- entre 1780 et 1830
- Material: leather
- Material: paint
- Material: paint
- Material: scale
- Material: gold
- Material: rhinestone
- leather
- paint
- scale
- gold
- rhinestone
- Leather
- Rhinestone
- Paint
- Gold
- Scale
Type of item
- Object Type: weddingclothes
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: fan
- weddingclothes
- women's clothing
- fan
- Women's clothing
- Wedding clothing
- Womenswear
- Hand fan
- entre 1780 et 1830
- Material: leather
- Material: paint
- Material: paint
- Material: scale
- Material: gold
- Material: rhinestone
- leather
- paint
- scale
- gold
- rhinestone
- Leather
- Rhinestone
- Paint
- Gold
- Scale
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- Domaine public
Creation date
- 1780/1830
- 1780/1830
- Don manuel Doublet-Vaudoyer (Madame)
- 1985.67.31
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/500036395
- Hauteur: 12,6 cm (Feuille (éventail))
- Technique: hand painting
- Technique: gilding
- hand-painted
- gilding
- Gilding
- Textile painting
Is part of
- Europeana Crafted
Providing country
- France
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-07-26T13:00:46.200Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-07-26T13:00:46.200Z