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Master of the Die

Grabador italiano

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Antonio Lafreri; Meister mit dem Würfel

Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Master of the Dado

Casanatense Library

Antonio Lafreri; Meister mit dem Würfel

Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek