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Mercator, Gerard (1512-1594). Cartographe; Gartho, Richardo. Dédicataire

National Library of France

Berckenrode, Balthasar Floris van; Boxhorn, M.

Municipal Archive, Schiedam

Άγνωστος δημιουργός

Folklife and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia and Thrace

Γιώργος Ζογγολόπουλος

George Zongolopoulos Foundation

Waldseemüller Martin (circa 1475-1518/21) (artist)

Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

Dr. Csalog József

Balaton Museum - Keszthely

Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594

National Library of Israel

Mercator, Gerhardus

Finnish Heritage Agency

Média Print

Balaton Museum - Keszthely

Balaton Museum - Keszthely

United Archives / Carl Simon

United Archives

Museum for Sepulchral Culture

Seiler, Arnold

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Frey, J. J.

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Kelterborn, Ludwig Adam

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Bürgi, Joseph

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Büchel, Emanuel

Archaeology and Museum Baselland