See üksus on avaldatud. Võite proovida juurdepääsu originaalmaterjalile selle edastanud asutuse veebisaidil.
Different families, same love : all entitled to equal recognition, rights and respect. Working for equality and human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe
\A number of European countries legally recognise same-sex partners and have introduced laws allowing them to marry or register their unions. These laws differ from country to country and provide different levels of recognition, protections and rights. However, there are still many European countries which do not legally recognise same-sex partnerships and some even introduced legal provisions spe…
- Ilga Europe: the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association
- Ilga Europe: the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association
Pakkuja institutsioon
Selles üksuses sisalduva meedia õiguste avaldus (kui pole teisiti märgitud)
- onbekend
- post104004785
Pakkuja riik
- Netherlands
Kollektsiooni nimi
Esimest korda avaldati Europeana
- 2019-07-08T15:06:17.733Z
Viimati andmeid pakkuvast institutsioonist uuendatud
- 2019-11-22T13:56:32.878Z