34.463 emaitza barruan Antolaketa Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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Ez dago emaitza gehiagorik zure bilaketarako.

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Joannes Baptista Bernardus Rigauts

Catholic University of Leuven

Jacobus Byl; Joannes Antonius De Biber; Henricus Maximilianus Dehase; …

Catholic University of Leuven

Johann Justin Preisler; Georg Martin Preisler

Catholic University of Leuven

Ch. Chardon

Catholic University of Leuven

Isidoor Opsomer

Catholic University of Leuven

E. Nels; Léon Herbo

Catholic University of Leuven

Hendrik Frans Diamaer

Catholic University of Leuven

Franciscus van der Steen

Catholic University of Leuven

W. van Swanenburgh

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

János Blaschke

Catholic University of Leuven

Ridley; Allingham

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

E. Bes & F.Dubreuil

Catholic University of Leuven

Jan Frederik Christiaan Reckleben

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Michiel Natalis

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Jan Punt

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven