3.615 emaitza barruan Lekua Vadstena udalerria

3.615 emaitza itzuli dira

Ez dago emaitza gehiagorik zure bilaketarako.

Vadstena udalerria

Municipality in Östergötland County, Sweden

Ingeborg Eriksdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

The priest Staffan Nilsson (in Nykil).

The National Archives of Sweden

Nils Knutsson

The National Archives of Sweden

Lars Birgersson

The National Archives of Sweden

Jon Magnusson

The National Archives of Sweden

Label Turesdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Earl of Erengisle Sunesson

The National Archives of Sweden

Sigrid Ragvaldsdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Brudd Haraldsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Katarina Jonsdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Knight Matts Gustavsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan in Vadstena, Ingegerd Knutsdotter, and Confessorn Peter

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan Ingegerd Knutsdotter och generalkonfessorn n. 1 i Vadstena kloster

The National Archives of Sweden

Bishop Knut in Lköpping.

The National Archives of Sweden

Does Ulfsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Riddar Sture Algotsson och Hans Jensson, kung Eriks kaplan och hospitalspräst i Skänninge.

The National Archives of Sweden

Ingegerd Nilsdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan Gerdeka and General Confessorn Ericus in Vadstena Monastery.

The National Archives of Sweden

Bp Knut i Linköping.

The National Archives of Sweden

Sigrid Bengtsdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Erik Tubbeson, Torbjörn Kärling and his wife Katarina Tubbedotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Sockenprästerna Hemming i Vadstena och Kettilbjörn i Strå.

The National Archives of Sweden