- Erakusketa: Louise Weiss: a committed European
- Timeline of a life dedicated to Europe
Louise Weiss’ life is one of action, with almost 70 years spent at the forefront of political struggles in Europe. As a journalist, pro-European and pacifist activist, feminist activist, documentary filmmaker, lecturer, writer, memorialist and elected member of the European Parliament, she is a privileged witness to the 20th century and to the shaping of the Europe we know today.
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After the European Parliament’s first election by universal suffrage in 1979, it was a woman who presided over the new Parliament’s inaugural sitting. Let’s look back at the life of this exceptional woman: Louise Weiss...
I feel as though my experience throughout this century and my travels throughout the world were destined to culminate in my meeting with you today: I come to you as one who loves Europe
Louise Weiss, July 1979