- Erakusketa: Louise Weiss: a committed European
- Louise Weiss in Strasbourg
In 1999, the European Parliament paid homage to Louise Weiss by naming the home of the Parliamentary Chamber and the Members’ offices in Strasbourg in her honour. Today, a bronze bust of Louise Weiss welcomes visitors to the entrance of the building.
This new building was inaugurated in the presence of French President Jacques Chirac and the President of the European Parliament, Nicole Fontaine.
Almost fifty years after it was established in the Alsatian capital, the European Parliament finally had its own Chamber – the largest of its kind in Europe.
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Extracts of the Inauguration of the new European Parliament building "Louise WEISS" in Strasbourg, 1999
The Louise Weiss building is completely plated in glass to symbolise an open and transparent democracy, while the roof’s unfinished appearance references the ongoing nature of the European project.
The city of Strasbourg recognised Louise Weiss with the inauguration of the ‘Square Louise Weiss’ in 1989, one of many public spaces across France named in her honour.
An annual Louise Weiss writing competition is held by the University of Strasbourg for its students, and the city’s National and University Library houses a collection of personal books donated by Louise Weiss.
Not far away, in the town of Saverne, the museum holds a permanent exhibition tracing Weiss’ life, and her statue enhanced with multimedia content now stands in the main square.