Txinako eraginak, mendebaldeko moda
Moda, altzari eta artisautzaren oroitzapen material hauek Txinako motibo eta objektuek Mendebaldea nola hartu zuten erakusten dute, bere gustuetan eta ekoizpenean dotoreki eraginez. PAGODE proiekturako EFHAk zuzendutako galeria
40 elementu
Kramer, Rudolph (Herstellung) (Fotograf)
Deutsche Fotothek
National Museum of World Cultures Foundation
National Museum of World Cultures Foundation
Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation
Kunstmuseum Den Haag
National Museum of World Cultures Foundation
Tallinn City Museum
National Library of France
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Textile Research Centre Leiden
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
National Museum of World Cultures Foundation
National Museum of World Cultures Foundation
Modemuseum Hasselt
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Modemuseum Hasselt
Nicaud; Nicaud; Nicaud (Designer); …
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum