Eleftheri Patrida [Free Homeland]
Democratic Newspaper of Greeks abroad
- Dimotiki (standard modern Greek)
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Arrests
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Political persecutions
- Makrygiannis' Panhellenic Democratic Association of Canada
- Anti-dictatorship press abroad
- Greek political refugees / Bulgaria
- Student movement / persecutions
- Greek immigrants / West Germany
- Occupation of the Athens Law School (2/1973)
- Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF)
- …
- Migrants
- Markopoulos Giannis
- Georgia
- Anti - dictatorship struggle
- Youth movements
- Germany
- Oppression
- Women
- Economics
- Journalism
Elementu mota
- Newspaper
- Newspaper issue
- Egunkari
- Dimotiki (standard modern Greek)
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Arrests
- Dictatorship of 21 April 1967 / Political persecutions
- Makrygiannis' Panhellenic Democratic Association of Canada
- Anti-dictatorship press abroad
- Greek political refugees / Bulgaria
- Student movement / persecutions
- Greek immigrants / West Germany
- Occupation of the Athens Law School (2/1973)
- Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF)
- …
- Migrants
- Markopoulos Giannis
- Georgia
- Anti - dictatorship struggle
- Youth movements
- Germany
- Oppression
- Women
- Economics
- Journalism
Elementu mota
- Newspaper
- Newspaper issue
- Egunkari
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Argitaratze data
- 03/03/1973
- 1973-03-03
Aldi baterako
- Military junta
- Great Britain / London
- London
- Londres
- Erresuma Batua
- 244
- Α.Ε.5504.1973.00244
- https://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/dig_ASKI/000171-121920
- gre
- ell
erreferentzia egiten du
- Markopoulos Giannis
- Brando Marlon
- Egkolfopoulos Tasos
- Paxinou Katina
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Greece
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2024-12-02T10:12:11.429Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-12-02T10:12:11.429Z