Composite manuscript, four related parts (Latin): Catalogus monachorum ordinis sancti benedicti, and other texts relating to Egmond Abbey / compiled and copied by Baldewinus de Haga Comitum
Catalogus monachorum ordinis sancti benedicti
Parts 1-4: handwritten, littera cursiva
- Baldewinus de Haga Comitum
- Baldewinus de Haga Comitum
- Johannes Trithemius
- Wipo of Burgundy
- Johannes Trithemius
- Wipo of Burgundy
- administration (MMDC)
- liturgy (MMDC)
- religious texts (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture (liturgical)
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- Parts 1-4: Paper
- paper (fiber product)
- Paper
- Baldewinus de Haga Comitum
- Baldewinus de Haga Comitum
- Johannes Trithemius
- Wipo of Burgundy
- Johannes Trithemius
- Wipo of Burgundy
- administration (MMDC)
- liturgy (MMDC)
- religious texts (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture (liturgical)
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- Parts 1-4: Paper
- paper (fiber product)
- Paper
Erakunde hornitzailea
Bitarteko hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- Parts 1, 3: 1526
- Part 2: 1520
- Part 4: 1530
- 1520-1530
- 1520/1530
- 1530
- 1520
- 1526
- XVI. mendea
- Parts 1, 3: Northern Netherlands, Egmond Abbey
- Part 2: Northern Netherlands, Egmond Abbey
- Part 4: Northern Netherlands, Egmond Abbey
- Netherlands
Egungo kokapena
- Leiden University Library
- Long-term loan from the Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde. Donated to MNL by the heirs of A. Kluit around 1865 (f. IVv). Former shelfmark: 11727.
- Owned by: Egmond Abbey (f. 1r: "Iste liber pertinet monasterio beati adalberti in Egmunda"). – Friar Johannes Canopusius Sr. (f. 1r) – Petrus Scriverius. – Adriaan van Westphalen (f. 1r), bought from the Bibliotheca Scriveriana, auctioned 1663). – Sold to Abraham Gronovius, 1764. – Sold to Adriaan Kluit, 1785. – Long-term loan to Hendrik van Wijn (f. IVv).
- Kluit, Adriaan, (1735-1807)
- Benedictines of St. Adalbert, Egmond
- Shelfmark: LTK 611
- 1 volume, 4+163 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-52
- Part 2: ff. 53-129
- Part 3: ff. 130-143
- Part 4: ff. 144-163
- Part 1: 278x205 mm
- Part 2: 278x205 mm
- Part 3: 278x205 mm
- Part 4: 278x205 mm
- books
- Liburu
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Honen parte da
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde - Bibliotheek
erreferentzia egin da
- Biemans 1997 = J.A.A.M. Biemans, Onsen speghele ystoriale in vlaemsche. Codicologisch onderzoek naar de overlevering van de Spiegel historiael van Jacob van Maerlant, Philip Utenbroeke en Lodewijk van Velthem, met een beschrijving van de handschriften en fragmenten. Leuven 1997.
- BNM = Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta
- Catalogus compendiarius 1937 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 4 (Leiden 1937), p. 28
- Gumbert 1988 = J.P. Gumbert, Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas. Vol. 2: Les manuscrits d'origine néerlandaise, XIVe-XVIe siècles (Leiden 1988), nr. 577
- Gumbert 1997 = J.P. Gumbert (ed.), 'De boekenlijst der oude abdij van Egmond'. In: G.N.M. Vis (ed.), In het spoor van Egbert. Bisschop Egbert van Trier en de Egmondse bibliotheek. [See also: bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardif 12 (2002), nr. 722], p. 151-179 (ad: f. 144r-148r)
- Gumbert 1997 = J.P. Gumbert, 'Egberts geschenken aan Egmond'. In: G.N.M. Vis (ed.), In het spoor van Egbert. Bisschop Egbert van Trier en de Egmondse bibliotheek, p. 25-43. [See also: bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardif 12 (2002), nr. 723], i.c. p. 28, 40, 42. (ad: f. 144r-148r)
- Gumbert 1999 = J.P. Gumbert, 'Buch und Buchführung Egmonder Bücher unter Abt Jan de Weent (1381-1404)'. In: R. Schlusemann & al. (eds.), Sources for the history of medieval books and libraries. Groningen 1993, p. 123-128, i.c. p. 128
- Hofman 1997 = R.H.F. Hofman, 'Onderwijs in middeleeuws Egmond. In: G.N.M. Vis (ed.), In het spoor van Egbert. Bisschop Egbert van Trier en de Egmondse bibliotheek, p. 45-63, i.c. p. 46 e.v. (ad: f. 144r-148r)
- Lampen 1950 = W. Lampen (ed.), 'De boekenlijst der oude abdij van Egmond'. In: A. Beekman (ed.), Tien eeuwen Egmond: ontstaan, bloei en ondergang van de regale abdij van Egmond. Een bundel opstellen, verzameld bij gelegenheid van het tiende eeuwfeest der stichting in 950. Heemstede, 1950, p. 75-95 (ad: f. 144r-148r)
- Roefs 1942 = V.J.G. Roefs O.Carm., De Egmondsche abtenkroniek van Iohannes a Leydis O. Carm. [Ph.D]. Sittard 1942, p. 47
- …
ezagutu du
- Adriaan Kluit
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Netherlands
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
Edukien taula
- Part 1 contains: (f. 1r) Title page: "Catalogus monachorum ordinis sancti benedicti"; later filled by the scribe with a table of contents for the whole codex, in the 17th century supplemented with numbers referring to the added foliation. – (f. 1v) Notes: Letters of St. Benedict to St. Remigius and St. Maurus. – (f. 2r) "Epigramma Johannis Murmelli Ruremundensis In huius operis commendationem". – (ff. 2r- 49r) Excerpts from the works of Johannes Trithemius about the Benedictine Order, compiled c. 1516. – (ff. 49v-50r) De ordinatione arboris Sancti Benedicti. – (ff. 50v-52v) Papal bulls concerning the festivities of the Translatio Sancti Benedicti. – (f. 52v) Table of contents for part 2, ff. 54r-106r. – (ff. 53r-v) Account of the opening of St. Benedict's tomb in Monte Cassino, 1484. – Part 1 is preceded by a table of contents drawn up by Adriaan Kluit (ff. Ir-IIIv) and notes by Kluit, Hendrik van Wijn and MNL (f. IVv).
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 54r-106r) Lifes of Dutch saints, beginning with "Historia de tribus regibus" (54r) and ending with "De translatione beati Stephani" (102v). – (ff. 106r-108r) "Proverbia Wipponis ad Henricum regem Conradi filium imperatoris". – (ff. 108r-111r) Description of the relics kept at Egmond Abbey. – (ff. 112r-126r) Transcriptions of charters and legal documents concerning donations and priviliges granted to Egmond Abbey by the counts of Holland and others. On f. 117r a concordance of the "Hore canonice", the "Opera passionis Christi" and "Instrumenta recordatione". – (f. 126r) Notes on the Hagia Sophia and a ghost story in Egmond Abbey, 1549. – (ff. 126v-128v) Latin paraphrase of the story of Reinout van Montelbaen. – (ff. 128v-129v) Legendary stories about cities in the Southern Netherlands.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 130r-142v) Calendar with the feasts of the monks and saints of the Benedictine Order. – (ff. 143r-v) Notes concerning a Vita Sancti Antidii a.o.
- Part 4 contains: (ff. 144r-148r) Catalogue of the books kept at Egmond Abbey. – (ff. 148v-149r) "Quoddam devotum factum Stephani abbatis quinti huius monasterii". – (ff. 149r-163r) Necrologium Egmundense. – List of the first 20 abbots of Egmond Abbey.