218 tulokset sisällä Henkilö Frans Hals

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Frans Hals

Dutch painter

Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Frans Hals

Catholic University of Leuven

Heidelberg University Library

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans; Dixon, John; Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Hals, Frans

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Girtin, James (Production), 1788-1820 (Stecher)

Herzog August Library

Schalcke, Cornelis Symonsz. van der (Production), 1626-1671 (Verleger)

Herzog August Library

Hals, Frans

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index