William Pitt as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe.
Lettering: Bears number top right: No. XV. Pitt says: "Why I tell you Doctor Buonaparte, nothing can effect a complete deliverance but my prescription of mint seed, it is the most efficacious remedy in the world". Napoleon replies "I deny that, Doctor, my pills are far more certain in their operation & much quicker in their effect, for instance you have been 14 months in attempting to deliver Ital…
- Charles Ansell
- Charles Ansell
Aineisto tyyppi
- Etchings
- Charles Ansell
- Charles Ansell
Aineisto tyyppi
- Etchings
Aineiston tarjoaja
Tämän aineisto median lisenssi (ellei toisin mainita)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Credit: Wellcome Collection
- L0049030
- L0049030
- b1663331
- Iconographic Collection 663331i
- uur2ap7a
- United Kingdom
Kokoelman nimi
Julkaistu ensimmäistä kertaa Europeana
- 2019-06-09T11:20:27.126Z
Viimeksi päivitetty aineiston tarjoajalta
- 2019-06-09T11:20:27.126Z