résultats dans
Charles le Téméraire
Charles le Téméraire
Duc de Bourgogne et souverain des Pays-Bas bourguignons
Rheinisches Schützenmuseum Neuss mit Joseph-Lange-Schützenarchiv
National Library of Spain
Berlin State Library
Berlin State Library
German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index
Leipzig University Library
State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt - State Museum for Prehistory
Historical Museum of the Palatinate
Rheinisches Schützenmuseum Neuss mit Joseph-Lange-Schützenarchiv
Germanisches National Museum
Herzog August Library
Gaitte,...; Finot & Bougeard (Production) (Print)
Berlin State Library
State Archives of Baden-Württemberg
Victor vicomte d 'Arlincourt
Austrian National Library
Leipzig University Library
Herzog August Library
Berlin State Library