118 résultats dans Personne Pietro Bembo

118 résultats retournés

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Pietro Bembo

Cardinal de l'Église catholique romaine

jn20000600794; Pietro Bembo

National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic


National Library of the Czech Republic

Pietro BEMBO

Digital Library Memory of Madrid

Tobias Stimmer; Waldkirch, Konrad von

Germanisches National Museum

Unknown Artist (Production)

Berlin State Library

Unknown Artist (Production)

Berlin State Library

Giacomo Bossi; Becceni, Pietro (Production), 1770-1829 (Stecher)

Berlin State Library

Sanmicheli, Michele

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

Pietro Bembo

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Pietro Bembo

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford


Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca


Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca


Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca


Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca

Pietro Bembo

Ghent University Library

Pietro Bembo

Austrian National Library

Pietro Bembo

Austrian National Library