Varied travels in the Czech Republic
Varicoloured Journeys about Bohemia
A film begins with a view of Prague's St. Wenceslas Square. Follows a shot of Brno-based Mahen Theatre. Then we go back to Prague where we spot Charles' Bridge and Hvězda folly. The town of Kladno is introduced through ironworks. Furthermore, the film brings shots of castles Křivoklát and Karlštejn. The journey about Bohemia continues through Dvůr Králové and Svatá hora by Příbram where there is a…
- Comenius
- Comenius
- tram
- automobile
- factory
- ironworks
- castle
- castle courtyard
- castle chapel
- fortifications
- train on the move
- procession
- …
- Tramway
- Église
- Fontaine
- Hôtel de ville
- Automobile
- Usine
- Château fort
- Agriculture
- Rathaus
Type d'item
- documentary film
- film
- Film documentaire
- Film
- Comenius
- Comenius
- tram
- automobile
- factory
- ironworks
- castle
- castle courtyard
- castle chapel
- fortifications
- train on the move
- procession
- …
- Tramway
- Église
- Fontaine
- Hôtel de ville
- Automobile
- Usine
- Château fort
- Agriculture
- Rathaus
Type d'item
- documentary film
- film
- Film documentaire
- Film
Institution partenaire
Licence du support dans cet enregistrement (sauf indication contraire)
- Národní filmový archiv
Date de création
- 1928
- 1928
- Praha:Václavské náměstí,horní část
- Brno:divadlo městské
- Praha:Karlův most
- Praha:Hvězda,letohrádek
- Kladno:hutě
- Křivoklát:hrad,nádvoří
- Karlštejn:hrad
- Svatá Hora u Příbrami
- Plzeň:divadlo J.K.Tyla
- Plzeň:pivovar,dvůr
- …
- 0067092
- 0067092
- cs
- ces
Fait partie de
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
- 1928
Pays fournisseur
- Czech Republic
Nom de la collection
Première publication sur Europeana
- 2013-12-19T13:00:29.961Z
Dernière mise à jour de l'Institution partenaire
- 2022-07-21T07:36:52.722Z