Alternative otra: fashion from ropa vieja
T-shirts and trousers for a few euros. Clothing intended for the masses, which they buy and dispose of as easily. A possible consumerism at the expense of textile employees working for small salaries. The Berlin brand Schmidttakahashi wants to change the rules of the game.
- ropa vieja
- moda
- sector textil
- schmidttakahashi
- berlin
- semana moda paris
- consumismo
- usar y tirar
- Tomhaltachas
Cineál míre
- factual
- ropa vieja
- moda
- sector textil
- schmidttakahashi
- berlin
- semana moda paris
- consumismo
- usar y tirar
- Tomhaltachas
Cineál míre
- factual
Institiúidí soláthartha
Ráiteas um Chearta Ceadúnas do na meáin sa mhír seo (mura sonraítear a mhalairt)
Dáta eisiúna
- 2014-04-23
- 2014-04-23
- spanish
- spa
Is cuid de
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Tír sholáthair
- Germany
Ainm bailiúcháin
Ar fáil den chéad uair ar Europeana
- 2015-01-19T15:00:24.361Z
An uair dheireanach a nuashonraíodh ón institiúid sholáthartha
- 2021-11-11T15:21:35.135Z