7 127 eredmények a belül Hely Avignon

7 127 eredmények visszaadva

Nincs további eredmény a keresési lekérdezéshez.


Város Franciaországban

Leiden University Libraries

Albert Gustaf Edelfelt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Albert Gustaf Edelfelt

Society of Swedish Literature in Finland

Jean de Mourta; Jean de Mourta, [autor]

Octavian Goga Cluj County Library

Gregor <Papst, XI.>

Heidelberg University Library

Gericht der Kurie Worms

Heidelberg University Library

Johannes <XXII., Papa>

Heidelberg University Library

Johannes <XXII., Papa>

Heidelberg University Library

Someritis Stratis

Contemporary Social History Archives

Le Comité pour la démocratie en Grèce; Comité "Grèce Libre"

Contemporary Social History Archives

Arena, Antony (15.? -1544?). Author of the text

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

Boniface VIII (1235?-1303 ; pape). Autorité émettrice de monnaie

National Library of France

Jean XXII (1245-1334 ; pape). Autorité émettrice de monnaie

National Library of France

Jean XXII (1245-1334 ; pape). Autorité émettrice de monnaie

National Library of France

Clement VI (1291-1352; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Clement VI (1291-1352; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Clement VI (1291-1352; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Clement VI (1291-1352; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Innocent VI (1282?-1362 ; pape). Autorité émettrice de monnaie

National Library of France

Urban V (1310? -1370; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

Urban V (1310? -1370; Pope). Currency issuing authority

National Library of France