12 risultati all'interno di Luogo Mellum

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Island in the North See, Germany

Photograph: Hugo (Dr.), Helgoland Weigold; Publisher: Berlin Publisher Dr. Hermann Helfer

Museum of City History Leipzig

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad

Unbekannt (Fotograf)

Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute

Photograph: Hugo (Dr.), Helgoland Weigold; Publisher: Berlin Publisher Dr. Hermann Helfer

Museum of City History Leipzig

Jong, W. de Zaandam

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad

Jong, W. de Zaandam

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad

Unbekannt (Fotograf)

Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute

Jong, W. de Zaandam

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad

Jong, W. de Zaandam

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad

Jong, W. de Zaandam

Municipal Archives of Zaanstad