15 rezultatų pagal Asmuo Johann Nepomuk Vogl

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Johann Nepomuk Vogl

Austrian publisher and writer (1802-1866)

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

International Talking Machine Company; Naval, Franz; Pilz, August

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Homocord Electro; Loewe, Carl; Günther, Felix

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

International Talking Machine Company; Pilz, August

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Austrian National Library

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Loewe, Carl; Heinemann, Alexander

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Pilz, August

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Loewe, Carl; Schlusnus, Heinrich; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Büssel, Robert

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Loewe, Carl

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Austrian National Library

Austrian National Library