Exit: the Cows are Out!
Three men in cow costumes in the London City is a sight in itself. But in the video "ParCow!", these three men demonstrate their near-perfect parkour skills, executing wild bovine stunts in the streets of the British capital. The video was made by Scott Bass of Britain. His homepage "ampisound.com" features yet more spectacular parkour videos.
Digitālais objekts veids
- factual
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- factual
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- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Izdošanas datums
- 2012-03-05
- 2012-03-05
- Londonas Sitija
- Londona
- Londona
- Apvienotā Karaliste
- Londonas Sitija
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/data/euscreenXL/475897
- english
- eng
Ir daļa no
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Germany
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2014-07-08T14:51:17.441Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2021-11-11T15:21:35.135Z